the employee must wear a uniform that is provided in the hotel, the following article discusses how the procedure uniform arrangements in the hotel:
1.All hotel
employees should have their uniform, employee's strictly prohibited to allowed
guest and entering the guest
area without hotel uniform.
2.Hotel uniform
is reflect the image of the hotel, the staff should wear their uniform with
good appearance.
3.Each employee
entitled for 2 sets of uniform, they responsible for own uniform.
4.Each employee
obtain a uniform distribution card issued by human resource department.
5.This card
must be given to uniform attendant in order to obtain the clean uniform, each
employee may collect their card after returning the dirty uniform.
6.For any dirty
uniform must be returned to uniform counter , it is not allowed to keep inside
the locker or wash at employee's house.
7.In case there
is Any damages or torn, Each employee must complete the mending/ alteration
book mentioning the type of
reparation required in order the damage uniform will be able to be repaired by
seam stress immediately.
replacement of spot , torn and damage uniform must be upon approval from HOD
concern and laundry manager/ executive housekeeper.
resignation staff, The employee must return their uniform to housekeeping and
fill the issue return form with acknowledge by Human resource Dept.
10.The access
for issuing uniform the employee's uniform only through uniform counter.
11.The opening
hours of uniform counter 6.00 up to 23.00
12.For back
office ( shirt and trouser) can be change after 2 days used. Jacket may changed
1 week after used.
13.For front of
the house may change on daily basis. Vest may change after 2 days used.
14.This policy
is implemented to daily worker and school apprentice too .
15.For the outside casual
worker who work on banquet special event, their uniform
distribution will be represented by one of banquet staff and complete the uniform issuing form.