Theater style is suitable for big meeting with one or two speakers to do the presentation with guest attended more than 100 guests and time for meeting no more than 4 hours.
All chair mush is in good condition.
Front edge of first chair row should be no less than 2 M away from speaker’s table.
If an aisle is required, it should be 1 M to 1.5 M wide.
All rows shall be straight; distance between rows should be approx. 45 Cm or one chair.
- Select chairs all in good condition.
- Set up chairs according the lay out
- All chairs shall be set in heat straight linen according to the required number.
- Always leave room around the exit so that the guest moves easily.
- Separate the chair with spot, dirty, torn, etc.
- Set up ice water on the side of the room.
- If the room is too wide, set chair like fish bone style.
- Cover chair with clean and press cover chairs.