Class room style is suitable for big meeting with one or some speakers to do the presentation with guest attended more than 100 guests with time of meeting more than 4 hours.
Make sure table & chairs in good condition and make sure all linen are well pressed with no spot, torn and etc.
- Set up IBM table and covered with brown velvet and skirted or table cover.
- Set up 3 chairs for one IBM table.
- Set up table and chair in class room shape.
- Skirted the table in first row of classroom and make sure brown velvet is folded on both side of the table.
- Set up note pad and pen for guest attending.
- The note pad should be placed a thumb rule space away from the table edge in the center of the chair or 2 cm from edge table.
- Pens are to be placed in the middle note pad across the corner facing down with logos visible.
- Water goblet for each delegate and set the water goblet right up corner of note pad with logo one line with edge of note pad.
- Mineral water, juice and aqua placed on each table.
- Set up Flip-chart be side head table with three colors board marker.
- Filled 15 pcs candy in bowl for three meeting participants.
- White board in clean conditions.